shubham bibave, book of shubham bibave. Who is Shubham Bibave? Getting lethal at closing deals book.
shubham bibave, book of shubham bibave. Who is Shubham Bibave? Getting lethal at closing deals book.
shubham bibave, book of shubham bibave. Who is Shubham Bibave? Getting lethal at closing deals book.
shubham bibave, book of shubham bibave. Who is Shubham Bibave? Getting lethal at closing deals book.
12 Best things to learn from "Getting Lethal At Closing Deals" book by Shubham Bibave.

Get armed up with the most rewarded skill in the history of the world - 'sales'.

"We are not here to learn the old way. Gone are the days to find a motivation and business plans on other distribution channels. Now is your time" - Book Description.

The author too claims that after reading it, you will no longer have to learn any extra things about; how to close deals, how to handle clients, how to approach marketplace, how to stay motivated, how to talk to people, how to influence people, how to persuade people, how to gain people's attention.

Book makes this thing clear first, there is no shortage of money on this planet, there's only shortage of people who really wants it.

The book ain't delivering the knowledge in traditional way. This book is not to waste time by getting into philosophy and all.

We need to be quick because our gold is waiting out there for us.

These are the exact strategies every deal closer must know, in order to survive in this marketplace.

**Warning before reading this book.

It's your life, you have been warned.

Side effects of this book-

1. Unable to sleep due to excitement with your new life.

2. No longer content with average friends and relatives.

3. Disinterested in things that previously entertained you.

4. Extended periods of massive production lasting for weeks at a time.

5. Increased amounts of criticism from others, even hate and envy.

6. New set of friends, connections and network.

7. New problems new challenges and new interests.

8. Increased energy and vitality that others consider abnormal.

9. Extraordinary large tax bills and audits by government because of your elevated in revenue.


This book has 12 phase selling system in it, mentioned-

1. The Magic of Agreement

2. Road to the Deal

3. Attitude

4. The Greeting

 5. Give, Give, Give

6. Your Buyer’s Money

7. The Price Myth

8. Fact Finding

9. Presentation

10. Trial Closes

11. Write up

12. Objections in the Greeting


The book introduces by saying, "The single most reason, individuals and businesses fail financially is because they don't know how to sell themselves properly in the marketplace. Life is bad for too many people, good for bunch of people and great for some individuals. Blame is the energy that makes slaves and guarantees only to worsen your condition, when you see blame as a way out. Now is the time, more than any other time, to use all your energy, resources and creativity; all your thinking, to sell yourself, your company, your products, your services, your ideas, your concepts, how to sell them in the marketplace.


And, quit using any energy or resources on blaming, accusing, criticizing. Blaming any party, organisation or anyone, only makes you more of a slave and them more of a master. The way out for you, is to get your abilities increased, to make yourself better. You want to solve your problems because your problems are opportunities. You can blame anyone you want folks. You can blame rich, you can blame poor, you can blame the parties, you can blame the banks, you can blame the governments, you can blame God if you want to. But the reality is it will not change your conditions and it will not increase your abilities. Blame, for those who were assigned the source of their problems to someone else, only makes the other person more powerful and you less powerful."


This book would be completely useful for entrepreneurs and business owners as closing deals is one of the most required skill in these professions. "Getting Lethal At Closing Deals" by Shubham Bibave exactly encloses, how to close deals with exact strategies in sales and marketing world, inspired from great entrepreneurs like Grant Cardone And Tai Lopez, creating behind more entrepreneurs and business owners in the coming Indian era.


I hope this article will be helpful for you. P.S. Book also available on Amazon and FlairList.

Who is Shubham Bibave?

CEO of FlairList, SHUBHAM BIBAVE TECHNOLOGIES & MEDIA, entrepreneur, & creator of best selling business program- "Getting Lethal At Closing Deals". Shubham Bibave owns & operates two privately held firms under SHUBHAM BIBAVE TECHNOLOGIES & MEDIA named FlairList and his custom Business Development Agency.